• 0312-Wartenhorster-Sundern _01


 FFH (Flora-Fauna-Habitat)-Compatibility Study and LBP (accompanying landscape conservation plan) to a road development in the area „Wartenhorster Sundern“, district Warendorf.

Along the K20 between the communities of Everswinkel and Hoetmar in the district of Warendorf, a cycle track and footpath is planned. It crosses in parts the area “Wartenhorster Sundern”, registered according to the FFH directive.

The study examines the effects of the construction and usage for the valuable environment and animal population and explains the consequences which the planned project would have on the FFH area.

Landscape planner: brandenfels landscape + environment, Münster
Client: Kreis Warendorf
Construction time: 2004 – 2005