• 1211-Spielfeldsanierung S.C. Preußen Münster_05
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  • 1211-Spielfeldsanierung S.C. Preußen Münster_04
  • 1211-Spielfeldsanierung S.C. Preußen Münster_01

Within an extremely short planning time of only 4 weeks, the highly complex planning was prepared taking into account the specific conditions of the location of the stadium in the water protection zone II. First extensive earth works had to be carried out to dispose of contaminated soil (Z2 – LAGA) , in a registered disposal site.

To protect the groundwater against a possible contamination from disturbed harmful substances or a leak in the turf heating system the entire playing area is built on a foil seal.

The underground turf heating and the automatic irrigation system were integrated into the appropriate layers.

After a construction time of only 6 weeks the new playing field was handed over to S C Preußen Münster.

Landscape architect: brandenfels landscape + environment, Münster
Client: SC Preußen 06 e.V. Münster
Construction time: 2012
Construction costs: 1.130.000 €